Virtual Health Library

Virtual Health Library

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Criteria & Methodology

1) Selection criteria


  • set guidelines to form and develop the Portal of Theses on Public Health,
  • define the specific coverage areas
  • define criteria and responsibilities for the selection and treatment of the information to be added;
  • ensure cooperative library participation in the ambit of the BIREME Network.

a) Factors to be considered with respect to forming the Thesis Portal

- Subject

The same subject selection criteria as used by the Brazil Virtual Library on Public Health will be used.

Even if the defense took place at an institution of an area other than the health area, if the Master's Degree and/or Doctoral program is accredited by CAPES and the subject is related to Public Health, it will be indexed in the portal

- Authorship

Theses and dissertations written by Brazilian authors and defended in Brazil or abroad; and/or written by foreigners, if defended at a Brazilian institution, will be indexed.

- Language:

There will be no language restriction as long as the authorship requisite is complied with.

Date of the defense

All of the theses that were defended at the institutions that compose our Focal Group are being indexed, as long as the Library commits to keep a copy available for copying or to offer its full text online.

b) Full texts:

In order to publish the full text, the Library must require the author to sign a document authorizing this procedure.

The Library must keep this document on file, since it will bear the responsibility for any questions raised about the text having been made available online, not the Portal's management.

The text should be sent, preferably, in the pdf format.

2. Methodology

Methodology components:

  • VHL site release 5.2.14. - page and news construction
  • DirEv customized for DirDef - news on theses defenses
  • LILDBI Web 1.7a feeding and updating the bibliographic database
  • iAH! Queries
  • DeCS - bibliographic record and defense announcement indexation